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What is an Oil Analysis

Oil Analysis or Oil Lab Testing

You will hear car and truck enthusiasts talk about getting their old oil analyzed.  Having an oil analysis completed on your old oil is a great way to understand what is happening inside your engine.  Many companies can do this testing for you. 

Do I Need To Have My Old Oil Tested?

The average vehicle owner who is not experiencing any performance issues usually does not NEED to have their oil tested.  However, if you have a relatively expensive vehicle, expose your vehicle to harsh driving conditions, or you want to know everything about your vehicle, oil testing is the next level of care.  

What Will I Find Out By Having My Oil Analyzed?

Oil analysis is a great way to get an early look at potential issues inside your engine, transmission, or gearbox.  Since your oil is traveling all over your engine, transmission, or gearbox and substances can become trapped in the oil, your oil is like a big record of what is happening in your equipment. 

Common examples of issues an oil analysis can identify:

The condition of the oil itself.  All oils will break down over time due to heat, pressure, and exposure to contaminants.  Oil analysis can help you see if you are waiting too long between oil changes.

Any foreign substances like water, coolant, or transmission fluids that may be making their way into your engine oil will show up on analysis.  This can help you find a problem before it becomes catastrophic.

Piston rings, cylinders, gears, and bearings are made of different types of metals, and if there is a problem with excessive wear in these areas an oil analysis will show elevated levels of these metals.  Armed with this information, you can take corrective action to prevent more expensive repairs later.

If your oil is excessively dirty, an oil analysis can point this out.  This can help you determine if you need to possibly replace other filters to keep your engine or transmission cleaner.  

These are a few of the most common benefits of having your oil analyzed.  Outside of oil analysis, there is no other way to spot these potential issues before something catastrophic leaves you stranded and staring at a large repair bill.

How Do I Get My Oil Tested?

Submitting your oil to be tested is a simple process.  You just collect some of your old oil, usually into a provided container, and send it off to the testing facility.  There are numerous kits available that come with the container and pre-paid pre-addressed box or envelope to send your oil into the testing facility.  Your results are usually available to you in about a week.  Some will send your test results in the mail and others will allow you to open an account where you can go online to see your results and even compare your results to past tests to see changes in your vehicle health over time.

Words of Caution On Oil Analysis

You want to make sure you have your oil tested by a reputable lab.  TriboDyn has certified our oil testing partner to ensure they adhere to the highest standards and supreme customer service.  Our oil analysis laboratory is independent of TriboDyn to ensure you always get unbiased results and that your results are returned to you promptly. logo